Saturday, 1 October 2016


Some non-human intelligent life form has left a mathematical formula on the surface of the planet Mars.  We have been told by people of science for decades that if contact were to be made with a non-human intelligent species it would probably be through the medium of mathematics.  And that is what has happened on the surface of Mars.  On a blackboard like area of land in Nili Fossae on the red planet a mathematics equation has been left for anyone to ponder.  It was left on a darkened plain much like the one on earth that is pictured below.

Earth based pictoglyphs

And here is the location on Mars where the equation was placed.  The Nili Fossae Region.

Nili Fossae - Martian blackboard
The red rectangle encloses the specific location where the formula is written.

Martian formula

The formula reads (in writing humans can understand) quite clearly:  Y 3 = t - 1.  To the right of this are written other figures which I assume are in an as yet unknown alien script.

Two different views of the same formulae (earth script and alien script)

It may be possible to read this formula differently than Y 3 = t - 1.   But  I find it difficult to read it any other way.  It seems quite clear.      But what does it mean?       Why didn't they use

E=Mc2  ?  Maybe because to whoever wrote the equation Y 3 = t - 1 it is more significant to them.  Maybe it's their definition of the Supreme Being, the architect of the universe.  Maybe it means: God = intelligence minus evil.  Who can say right now?  But the main purpose of the equation has fulfilled its goal.  It got our attention!

Who created this mathematical formula on the planet's surface?  Probably one of the early civilizations native to Mars who are fully treated in the book Chaos on Mars

There also appears to be other forms of writing in this entire area which need much closer investigation as well.  Maybe other alien scripts will be found here, too.  The potential for discovery is great.

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